i'm sorry i've been so absent... yet again. sometimes i just get into these grooves where (as unfortunate it is to admit) i do the bare minimum. throughout the day i'll wake up as late as i can in order to have enough time to throw on some clothes and go to school, which means sometimes skipping breakfast or even brushing my hair. yep, you read that correctly. sometimes i don't brush my hair. i just want to sleep in as long as i can! it's a horrible tendency.... moving on... after school, i go to work. then i get home, take a shower (don't worry, i don't forget to take showers), watch some tv, maybe read over my school notes if i'm in the mood, and then go to bed. rarely do i take some time in the day to read, exercise, or just take time to myself to reflect on the day, myself, and just life in general. which is why...... wait for it wait for it
wait for it
wait for it
(so much anticipation...)
wait for it
i'm going to be turning over a new leaf!!!
(hopefully you didn't read the title of this post or you might have guessed it)
(or maybe you didn't since its such a broad statement... so let me clarify...)
what "turning over a new leaf" entails:
* turning to my blog when i have something i want to remember/ reflect on/ vent about.. etc
* exercise at least once a day - whether that be rollerblading for a couple hours, riding my bike, going for a run (who am i kidding!?) walk, or just doing some jumping jacks. just any kind of physical activity (let's all remind me that shopping is not considered a physical activity)
* taking some "me" time and reading a little bit out of a book every night before bed instead of watching tv - especially since i heard watching tv right before bed isn't good
and last but not least
* eating healthier
let's get this straight. i LoooOOOOOvvveeee food. i hope by reading how i decided to write love, you understand just how much i mean that i love it. and i really mean it. i promise you that i love food more than the next person. growing up my mom and dad made the yummiest meals, so that's where my love of food started from. and then of course when i lived in Europe for 10 months, traveling to 8 different countries, you can only imagine how my love for it grew. the word "diet" will never be used in my vocabulary (except for now of course). i just adore the tastes of, well, everything. i could never cut meat out of my life (sorry for all you vegetarians out there), i just can't do it! to be honest, i just really can't cut anything out!
so what i'm trying to tell you is, that my strive to eating healthier is to just eat more healthy foods and less unhealthy ones! as much as i love vegetables, they just haven't been in my daily meals in a while! so i've decided to change that up a bit and i'm eating more broccoli and carrots and green beans. yummy!
the main reason why i am starting this healthy kick now is because i just haven't been feeling good about my body lately. i actually haven't been feeling good about it for a long time. i keep comparing my body now to my body back in high school (i can't believe i just used that sentence. "my body back in high school". i sound so old when i say that. yuck). and i know i shouldn't do that because that's 4 years ago and my body and my self have changed a lot since then, but it's hard not to. i used to be able to eat anything i wanted, not work out, and still stay the same 110 pounds no problem. and you know what really bugs me? i used to think i was fat then. i would give anything to be that size and weight again. it's sad how most of us are just never fully satisfied with the way we look. for the past couple months, or probably year, i haven't purchased any shorts or pants. part of me stayed away from those articles of clothing because i just didn't want to accept that i was a bigger size (partly thanks to my big booty- which so help me if i lose because of this new way of eating i'm going to be bummed out), and the other part of me kept telling myself that i would lose the weight and be able to fit into my shorts and pants i hid away at home. this has been going on for a while now. i keep saying that i will change, but then i don't. i very much don't like those people that say they are going to do something and then wont - for example those flaky people who you keep making plans with you but they keep falling through. well i've realized that i'm being that person, but with myself.
i'm being a horrible person to myself and that needs to stop. and today, March 31 (i'm marking it down, right now, in my blog, that's why it's bold), i am going to make a change. so you can all hold me accountable to it! i'm going to be a good friend to myself. i'm going to put healthy foods into my body (splurging only sometimes on cheeseburgers and cookies and milkshakes and delicious salty chips) and i'm going to exercise. yay me!
so just to prove to you that i'm totally serious about this whole thing, here's a picture from today's grocery run at Sprouts (p.s. eating healthy is expensive! say hello to $50 on all this (yummy) stuff! hopefully this lasts me a while)
well, there you have it! i guess you don't need New Year's Eve to make any resolutions for yourself. all you need is a drive to want to be better. and for some reason a switch flipped in me today, and i'm very excited about it
ta-ta for now :) hope you all had a great Monday!
looking forward to talking to you very soon (since that's part of my new leaf challenge too)
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